Pastor Fred Porter is a fan favorite for our Saints Youth and Seekers family. At Seekers 2020: AWAKEN he was our guest speaker and he will be returning for Seekers this year!

Ps Fred loves to preach on the Holy Ghost, and to see Baptism of the spirit. He is the Executive Pastor at Kingdom Culture Church in northen Brisbane.


Ps Jason has an extensive ministry leadership background and has served faithfully since childhood. He is a dynamic speaker who loves to see God move and see lives transformed and changed. He has a large vision to lead a church that reaches the world with the life changing message of Jesus. Ps Jason has a heart for the local youth ministries and is devoted to reaching as many people as he can. He is committed to raising leaders who make a difference in the world.

Layla Nahavandi is a young Aussie preacher who preaches with a prophetic edge in churches around Australia and across the world.

Layla has been in full-time ministry for over 15 years and is known for ministering with a passion to see people encounter the life-changing power and presence of the Holy Spirit.


Shannon and her husband Chris are passionate about building the kingdom of God and seeing people released into their calling and potential. Along with their two daughters, they have committed their lives to raise a generation of leaders and people for Jesus Christ.

For over a decade, they pastored the Youth and Young Adults of Citipointe Church and have seen 1000s of young people encounter God. In this time, they saw 100s of leaders developed to build the Kingdom and countless testimonies of God moving in power through students’ lives in their high-schools, universities Youth Camps and state gatherings. Chris and Shannon are currently Location Pastors at Citipointe Church Pine Rivers and oversee the Citipointe Internship across locations.

Andy Harrison is the leader of planetboom—the youth ministry of Planetshakers Church which cares for 4000+ teenagers weekly.

Andy is a humble and powerfully-anointed communicator, gifted musician and renowned leader who has the unique ability to express his love for and faith in God with a level of intimacy and vulnerability that resounds with all generations—ultimately leading many to Christ.


Click the button below once you are ready to register a youth to attend Seekers Festival 2023! We are so ready to host your young people for a week like no other.